Workplace Discrimination

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Posted by Legal Team On September 17, 2017

Discrimination extends to California’s farmers

One of the greatest drivers of California’s surging economy is agriculture, which provides the state with ample produce and the nation with specialty foods that are grown few other places. Although efforts to end employment discrimination are often centered in the cities, farming has its share of…

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Posted by Legal Team On August 18, 2017

Lawsuit alleges workplace discrimination in prison

Workers in every work environment can be subject to stress and interpersonal issues that can compromise their ability to work. It is the apparent dangers to safety that are the clearest problems requiring legal recourse, for the sake of the suing employee or former employee as well…

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Posted by Legal Team On August 14, 2017

4 questions you may have about religious discrimination

Practicing a religion can make many people feel comfort and connection to something greater than themselves. You may attend religious services or have practices that you carry out throughout your day that adhere to your beliefs. If you have particularly open practices, you may fear the potential…

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Workplace discrimination and the perception of warmth

In looking into the reasons that workplace discrimination still occurs, even with laws against it, researches stumbled across something very interesting. When meeting another person, people will often get a sense of “warmth” — or a lack thereof — from that person. They then judge the person…

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Discrimination does play into the gender pay gap

The gender pay gap is a complex issue. The standard number being used right now is 80 percent, saying that women tend to make about 80 cents for every dollar that men earn. On the outside, this sounds like a clear case of gender discrimination. While discrimination…

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Know the signs of workplace discrimination and where to seek help

Whether you’re a server in a small California cafe, a teacher in a public school classroom or a member of a team in a busy corporation, you have the right to expect fair treatment in the workplace. Every person, regardless his or her race, religion, ethnicity or…

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Has religious discrimination left your career uncertain?

Religion may play a significant role in your life. You may use your beliefs to guide you through everyday situations and the decisions you must make. Additionally, your religious practices may involve your needing to wear certain attire or participate in certain activities, such as prayer, during…

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Workplace sexual orientation discrimination in CA: 3 protections

As noted in an earlier post, the Supreme Court of the United States will likely be asked to review whether or not Title VII (also known as the Civil Rights Act) provides protection against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation at the federal level. The fact that…

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Does Title VII protect workers from sexual orientation discrimination?

In 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) found bans on same-sex marriage at the state level unconstitutional. Our country’s highest court stated that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states both allow and recognize same-sex marriages. These same justices that two years earlier struck down the…

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Posted by Legal Team On April 12, 2017

Employers should protect workers with food allergies

Allergic reactions to food can happen quickly and be life threatening.  An estimated 15 million people in America suffer from some sort of food allergy. Frighteningly, this number is increasing each day.  A study conducted by the CDC found that between 1997 and 2011, food allergies in…

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