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Posted by Legal Team On January 16, 2014

Politician resigns after several sexual harassment claims

No one deserves a hostile working environment. Unfortunately many cases of sexual advances, lewd comments, innuendo and sexually explicit materials in the workplace go unreported because victims of harassment fear termination and demotion. This is a scary feeling and can seriously impair your work, life and health….

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Posted by Legal Team On January 3, 2014

San Francisco increases employee rights in 2014

What will the New Year bring in San Francisco? By way of employee rights protection, more support for employees who also double as caregivers outside of the office. A new ordinance applies specifically to an employee who has an obligation to assist with the care of a…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 26, 2013

San Francisco contractor settles wrongful termination suit

What if you go to work every day and diligently do a good job, one that you enjoy, and no one ever tells you that the work you do involves invisible hazards that are toxic and may ultimately cause your death? What if you were wrongfully terminated…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 17, 2013

After being fired for reporting danger, PG&E worker awarded $1M

No one should be forced into a dangerous situation by their employer. Of course some jobs are more dangerous than others, but those workers should be protected as much as possible by their employers. Unfortunately, some employers are more concerned about their outward appearance than the safety…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 10, 2013

How to file a workplace discrimation complaint in California

Unfortunately, many people in California have experienced discrimination in the workplace. Whether it is related to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or a disability, however, it is illegal. Because most offenders will not stop because you request it, it is important to know how to file…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 5, 2013

Harassment affects working mom’s ability to produce breast milk

The Affordable Care Act’s main focus was on the health care industry, but as with any other legislative measure, there was a lot more written in the pages than someone unfamiliar with the bill might know about. One of these terms affects the employment rights of nursing…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 4, 2013

SF church under fire for alleged sexual harassment of employee

No one should ever be forced to tolerate sexual harassment at work. It is degrading and humiliating for those who are subjected to it. While some feel they are able to speak up, others are silent victims afraid of retaliation from an employer. Sometimes that fear is…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 22, 2013

Petaluma doctor wins wrongful termination suit, awarded $1.35M

If you noticed that someone was breaking the rules at work in a way that could harm others, what would you do? Would you sit back and let it happen, or would you speak up in the hopes of preventing harm to others? In a situation like…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 15, 2013

Wage-and-hour violations aren’t appetizing for YUM! employees

One of the most basic rights that workers in the United States have is to be paid adequately for the work they complete. Even thought this may seem like an obvious obligation for employers, sometimes they do not uphold their responsibilities in this regard. Not long ago,…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 15, 2013

Will Congress approve federal protections for LGBT employees?

According to California state law, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against employees or refuse to hire applicants on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Because of these employment protections, individuals have legal recourse against employers if they are subject to unfair treatment….

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